8 abr 2005

The Rap of Georgie Bush


(El Rap de Jorgito Arbusto)

God save us and God save our country
Take my balls for all or take them for nothing

Come to me with arms of massive destruction
And you will suck my dick, that's the solution

A lot of arabians, a lot of latins
The land of freedom, the land of democracy

Electrical chair, is in the air
Gas chamber... Oh! I'm very hunger!

Now I'm going to Mc Donald's, to order some donna's
And after eating them, I will call to Tony Blair

I don't want a war, but they are forcing to me
I'm a very good person, why you don't believe?

Suck it, suck it, suck it.... YEAH!

1 comentario:

  1. Friday, 8 April 2005 - 20:48 ADT

    I hate you.

    but your rapping[?????] is very good.

    fuck you.


Dale loco ponete las pila' eh, dale no te pongá' la gorra, dejate un comentario acá ajoba, si acá no te ve tu papito! Psssss y vo' no te bajé' la media que eta' foto e' carné', tamo? No se hagan lo logi que se pudre todo y les quemo el rancho eh, recatate y escribí!!! Epa! alta' llanta' pegaste guachín! ¿Una monedita loco? ¿Un alfajor Havanna? ¿No tené' nada por ahí? Bueh dale, escribite algo.